FAS 300               Apparel Design/Photoshop CS2            Fall 2007


Department of Design, College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA)


Section / Class Number:                     FAS 300 Section 001/002


Day / Class Hours:                             MON/WED   8:00 – 10:50 Link 105

                                                             TU/THURS  2:00 – 4:50 Warehouse


Building / Classroom:                          Link Hall / Warehouse

Number of Course Credits:                3




Name:                      Todd Conover                                                             

Office Location:        319 A, Lyman Hall                                           

Office Hours:           TBA                   

Office Phone #:        443-3591                                                           

E-Mail Address:       [email protected]

Other Phone:           N/A




This is a computer art class using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Illustrator CS2 Software. Students will create fashion mood/inspiration, illustrations, flats and complete presentation materials, while exploring the vast selection of tools, filters, brushes, and methods within Photoshop and Illustrator



Pre-requisites:          FAS 223,232






Students must acquire the following required texts and supplies, available at the SU Bookstore in the Schine Student Center:


       Text:           Dayton Linnea & Gillespie, Cristen, (2007).The Photoshop CS2/CS Wow Book,

 Publisher: Peachpit Press.

Steuer, Sharon, (2006), The Adobe Illustrator CS2 WOW Book, Publisher:     Peachpit Press.


       Supplies:     Required: 1 gigabyte flash/jump drive, Optional: Digital Camera




Upon successful completion of the course, you should be able to:


       Identify and operate the basic tools, brushes, filters, text, and color components using Photoshop CS2


       Continue to hone selection techniques using advanced Photoshop CS2 tools


       Demonstrate advanced design, graphic, and composition skills within the context of inspiration/concept/mood boards using Photoshop CS2 skills


       Scan original artwork, clean up, and produce an vector illustration or flat that can be filled with color, pattern, and/or gradation using Illustrator CS2





Classroom activities will take the form of weekly instructor lectures concerning key concepts and daily demonstrations covering the techniques appropriate to finish class projects. In-class, open lab time will account for much of the weekly hours of class time. The outcome of the class will be extensive technique files, a �one image� design file/book (TBA) and 3 major printed presentations. All projects will be scrutinized and critiqued to help strengthen each student�s design abilities, with particular focus on student decision-making and execution.



All projects will be evaluated independently of each other on the basis of quality and creativity. Class attendance is mandatory. All assignments are to be presented on the due date assigned; no late work will be accepted. Final grades will be determined by the following percentages:


Assigned Projects/assignments                     80%

Presentations and Critiques                            20%



Final grades that you can potentially earn for this course, on your Grade Report for the semester are defined as follows:


A – Excellent; consistent exceptional performance; beyond what is specified in both amount and quality.


B – Good, fully satisfactory performance; the amount and quality of work accomplished are completely acceptable and demonstrate professional competence.


C – Average performance and quality of work; met the minimum amount and quality of work required; improvement is expected.


D – Poor / minimum performance; the amount and quality less than expected; performance does not warrant professional recommendation. Significant improvement is expected in order to remain in the Fashion Design Program.


I  Incomplete. The work performed was acceptable, but incomplete due to exceptional circumstances.


F – Failing                                                 + or - will be assigned where appropriate








August 27                                Syllabus. Course expectations and department academic integrity policies. One image design file layout


September 3                Monday September 3, Labor day no classes / Photoshop introduction and




September 10              Exercise / The stupid teddy bear / your own design assignment



September 17              Photo files / resolution /selections / layers / design assignment



September 24              filters / brushes / text / design assignment / Layout Project 1



October 1                    Project 1 in class studio



October 8                    Project 1 full printed presentation with critique / internet Photoshop resources



October 15                  Downloading and loading brushes / fonts / etc.                     



October 22                  Layout Design Project 2 / Photo manipulation / advanced techniques


October 29                  Project 2 studio



November 5                Design Project 2 Full printed presentation and Critique



November 12              Advanced Photoshop Effects



November 19              Thanksgiving Break / Introduction to Illustrator     



November 26              Illustrator techniques



December 3                 Layout of Design Project 3 (continuation of Project 2)


Final Critiques  MON/WED section December 10 7:15 – 9:15 PM, TU/THUR section December 13 12:30 – 2:30  All class printed projects,  ABSOLUTLY MANDATORY






Elle                              Publisher: Hachette Magazines, Inc.

Harper�s Bazaar        Publisher: Hearst Magazines

Vogue                         Publisher: Cond� Nast Publications

Wired                          Publisher: Cond� Nast Publications

W                                 Publisher: Cond� Nast Publications

WWD Women�s Wear Daily    Publisher: Fairchild Publishers Inc

Style The Online Home for Vogue and W        




Students needing special consideration because of a learning or physical disability should bring documentation of needed accommodation to the instructor within the first two weeks of the semester and make an appointment to see the instructor during office hours, if necessary. It is the student�s responsibility to notify the instructor or any special needs.


It is also essential that you contact the Students with Disabilities Services Office (804 University Ave., Room 309), the departmental entity charged with providing accommodations and maintaining Syracuse University�s compliance with federal regulations under Title V of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act as Amended, to communicate your needs and to begin to develop a working relationship with their staff.







Attendance is mandatory. After the first week of class, attendance will be taken every class period. For classes that meet twice or three times a week, you are allowed three (3) unexcused absences during the semester. For classes that meet only once per week, you are allowed one (1) unexcused absence. For these unexcused absences, you may miss class for whatever reasons you would like. (These absences require no documentation or prior notification to the instructor. However, attendance is required for all student presentations.)


Each unexcused absence beyond the third (in the cases of classes that meet twice or three times a week) or beyond the first (in the case of classes that meet only once per week) will reduce your final grade by one-half letter grade. For example, in a class that meets twice or three times per week, if you miss five classes over the semester and your final grade should be a B, your will receive a C+ as your actual grade. Also, as lateness is disruptive to the whole class, showing up more than five (5) minutes later for a class will count as an absence. (If sign-in sheets are being utilized, they will be removed five minutes into class time).


Absences will be excused only for extenuating circumstances. Theses include an illness that is DOCUMENTED by a doctor or a DOCUMENTED family or personal emergency. These are the only reasons for which an absence will be excused. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to notify the instructor that you will be absent before the start of class— either in person, by phone, or via e-mail. Documentation of your absence must also be provided within fourteen (14) days of the missed classes.


If you decide to extend any scheduled break (i.e., spring vacation, holiday breaks, etc.) by leaving campus prior to the official start of the break date, or returning after the official end of the break, the classes missed will count as absences. No excuses for missing these classes, other than the exceptions mentioned above, will be accepted.


Policy on Missed Assignments


In the design field it is imperative that you complete your projects by the calendar as it was planned. Production schedules denote this. Assignments are due IN CLASS, and exams must be taken, on the dates specified.


Exams cannot be taken, and assignments will not be accepted after the due dates and times, unless you were absent from class for a documented illness or family/personal emergency and made arrangements with the instructor. You can make up missed exams and/or assignments only for documented illness or family/personal emergency. Submit your work in its current (finished or unfinished) state on the date that it is due to receive credit. Missed assignments that are unexcused will receive failing grades.


All withdrawal and drop dates, specified by the University, will be strictly adhered to by the instructor for this course.


Policy on Late Assignments


Late assignments will not be accepted and the resulting grade will be F.


Incomplete Policy


An incomplete grade will be granted only for continuous long-term illnesses (more than 3 weeks), supported by an attending physician�s letter.


Studio Policy


All students must come to class prepared to work and participate in class assignments. No food or beverages are allowed in studios. If supplies purchased with course fees are distributed to students, the course fee will not be refunded if you drop the course.


Student Athletics or Other University Activities


Students participating in athletics or another University program that requires travel or events that conflict with course time should bring the correct documentation to the instructor within the first two weeks of the semester.


Policy on Academic Integrity


The Fashion Design faculty expects all students to conform to the principles of academic honesty. Practices considered dishonest include: giving or receiving assistance in any manner during an examination, unauthorized possession of exam questions, the student paper contains passages that were cut and pasted from on Internet sources without citation, having a project completed by someone other than the student, and plagiarism. Other examples can be found at the following SU site:


Plagiarism is the willful use and/or presentation of another person�s writings, information, opinions, original materials, or thoughts as one�s own, without acknowledging the sources (i.e., giving proper credit, citing the sources).


At all times, the student is expected present only his or her written or creative work to fulfill academic requirements. Students are expected to cite sources, including personal communications or other professional sources, for any material used in assignments or projects for Fashion Design courses that were not created by the student. Any student who deviates from the Academic Honesty Policy can expect that the instructor will pursue all appropriate disciplinary procedures through the College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA).


Details regarding the Syracuse University wide academic integrity policy, and examples of how it may be violated, can be found in the Syracuse University Student Handbooks; or, online at:



Student work may be used for educational examples and/or exhibition